Upgrading your embed code to widget 3:0

We have recently been working on upgrading our Storemapper widget to provide you with the best experience possible. Unfortunately, version 1:0 and 2:1 of the widget will no longer be supported. This means a small update from your end will be required to keep your map rendering on your site. 

Why should I upgrade?

Upgrading to widget 3:0 will provide you with all Storemapper’s latest features and releases, such as adding products to your map, receiving leads from interested customers and upgrading to our Google search API (along with many many more). You will also notice a faster loading time and be opted into the most up to date version in terms of being ADA compliant. 

How do I upgrade?

It’s really easy to upgrade to our latest widget and we are around every step of the way to assist you with this.

To do so, please follow the steps here

  • Log into your Storemapper account
  • Under Settings, check which widget you are using. If this is not showing "widget 3:0", please select from the drop down box and save changes

  • Once you have saved the changes, on the left hand side select "Installation code" and select "Copy to clipboard"

  • Open you CMS platform where you currently have your widget 1:0 or widget 2:1 code embedded (this can by via Shopify /Big Commerce, Wix etc)
  • Locate the page (normally titled Store Locator or Dealers) and remove the code currently embedded
  • Add the new widget 3:0 code to your CMS platform - please find installation guides here
  • Save changes

If your map looks different on widget 3:0, please do let us know and we will work in the back-end to ensure any customisation is brought over. 

What happens if I do not upgrade?

As this version of the widget will be deprecated, it does mean your map will no longer render on your site. The change to widget 3:0 should take less than 2 minutes to implement in order to have your map back up and running.

We want to make this experience as seamless as possible for you so please do not hesitate to reach out at any time at help@storemapper.co and we can walk you through this process.

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